I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY in the History Meeting House

In the History Meeting House you will find the documentary photography from the Kaunas region and from Warsaw, the places important in the artist’s life, as well as staged genre scenes, architecture and interior photography, beautiful landscape pictures, and especially sophisticated individual and group portraits. The photographs of Stanisław Kazimierz Kossakowski are not only of large historical value, documenting the epoch that have irretrievably gone with the First and Second World Wars and its social and geopolitical changes, but they also constitute a great artistic revelation. Therefore, on 20 September at 6 p.m., we would like to invite you all to the opening of the exhibition:
I love photography
Portrait of an era through the lens of Stanisław Kazimierz Kossakowski
The exhibition under the honorary patronage of His Excellency Šarūnas Adomavičius, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania
21 September – 13 November 2016
History Meeting House, ul. 20 Karowa, Warsaw. ADMISSION FREE.
Organizers: History Meeting House, M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum in Kaunas, Jan Kossakowski Foundation;
The exhibition has been co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.